This online course will review and reinforce the appropriate indications for breast cryoablation as well as the skills and techniques required for successful breast cryoablation.
ubspecialty Code(s): Breast Imaging
Category: Online Courses
Target Audience: The target audience for this activity is radiologists in general practice and subspecialty radiology with an interest in breast cryoablation.
Goals and Objectives: After completing this course, the learner should be able to:
- Identify appropriate indications for breast cryoablation.
- Describe early trials and case studies in breast cancer cryoablation.
- Discuss the steps needed to start a new service line in practice.
- Explain the benefits of cryoablation in advanced breast cancer.
Disclosure of Commercial Interest:
ARRS staff involved with this activity have nothing to disclose. Relevant financial disclosures for all planners and contributors have been mitigated. Below is a listing of activity’s contributors and planners disclosures:
- Courtney Moreno has nothing to disclose.
- Catherine Petchprapa has nothing to disclose.
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